Assistance, Information, and Security
The residences and campus have a whole system of teams available to help, keep you safe, and answer your questions. Security officers patrol résidence halls 24/7.
Anytime assistance
Dial 418 656-2131, ext. 400077, option 3 (only the extension from a campus phone), for assistance anytime. A resource person is always available.
Residence advisors
Residence advisors are available for you in your residence if you need them. They’re on duty evenings, nights, and weekends.
Whether to prevent a problem or confidentially intervene to resolve an issue, they are available to help you deal with the following situations:
- Needing information about life in residence
- Problems with neighbours: abuse of freedoms, noise, guests
- Personal problems: trouble adjusting, needing help, academic stress
- Physical or mental health issues
- Relational problems: interpersonal conflict, harassment, bullying
To talk to a residence advisor, dial 418 656-2131, ext. 400077, option 3.

For any emergency requiring immediate action by a security officer, call Security and Prevention Services (SSP) by composing 911 from your room phone or by using a red telephone.
The following precautions will help keep you safer on campus:
- Keep your room locked at all times
- Keep an eye on your things in the kitchens, laundry, lounge areas, and study halls
- Don’t open the residence doors for people you don’t know
- Protect personal information like the combination for your mailbox or kitchen locker
- Make sure the smoke alarm in your room is working
- Follow the rules regarding cooking appliances
- Don’t leave burning candles unattended
- Keep an eye on your food when you’re cooking in the kitchens and remember to turn off the burners and oven
For more information on safety and prevention, see the SSP website.
The temperature in residences is set at 21°C. Actual temperature however can fluctuate between 20°C and 24°C depending on the location of your room, changes in the outside temperature, and prevailing winds.
Temperature sensors are located in certain room for use in adjusting the heat flow to different sections of the buildings. However, the system does not allow for adjustments to the building temperature or the temperature of the rooms.
Heating problems
Report any heating problems at Reception & service desk or call the repairs office at extension 404398,
For after-hour assistance, please contact your technical advisor.
In winter
Please keep windows closed in winter to avoid wasting energy and for your own comfort. If your room is too hot, call the repair office at extension 4398,
Please use power bars with surge protector or extension cords to avoid overloading your room outlets and protect your electronic devices from power fluctuations.
Certain circuits are shared by more than one room, and a breaker could trip if too many devices are plugged into them. If this happens often, call the repair office at extension 404398 ( Outside opening hours, contact a residence advisor at extension 400077, option 3
In case of power outage
If the power goes off in your room, first check that the circuit breaker for the room is in the «ON» position.
See your Guide for New Residents to find out about the circuit breakers controlling the electrical outlets and lights in your room.
If the code on the light is P2625A D32:
P = Panel
2625A = Number of the room nearest the panel
D32 = Switch #32
If there are several panels, they will be numbered PS1, PS2, etc. The panel number will appear in the code, e.g., «P2625A PS1 D32».
To switch the breaker back on
Check the breaker by switching it «OFF» and back to «ON».
The Service des résidences is not responsible for damage to electronic or electrical devices in rooms caused by power surges or circuit breaker malfunction.
Any problem relating to a breakage or a technical problem, in your room, on the floor or in the common areas, can be reported by using the address Note that the delays vary depending on the number of demands and the nature of the problem. These are usually taken care of by certified employees of the Service des immeubles.
For water leaks and major damage:
- During business hours call 418-656-2921 or 418-656-2131 ext. 404398
- Outside working hours, contact our team of resident assistants at 407777 or the Service de Sécurité et de prévention at 555
Do not delay in reporting any problem related to water (damp ceiling tile, water under the sink, sink backflow, etc.), because these problems can quickly become more serious.
Le Service des résidences is concerned with prevention in terms of pest management in its buildings and intervenes whenever necessary. When applicable, the costs of screening, treatment and follow-ups are entirely paid for by the Service des résidences.
- If you have any doubts about the presence of insects in your room, let us know as soon as possible
- If you are faced with a problem of this nature, you have an obligation to notify us
These situations, when taken care of in time, are resolved quickly.
To report breakages or pests to the Service des résidences, contact our Reception and service desk.
Solicitation is prohibited in residence buildings. Only the Service des résidences is permitted to distribute advertising. This means no one is allowed onto residence floors to solicit, distribute advertising, or put up advertising posters.